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Impact Now: The Value of Video— Through the Lens of the Teacher

In this webinar, Dr. Tonya Goree, popular speaker and award-winning elementary school principal, along with teachers Krystal Williams and Deborah Gest, will discuss using video for self-reflection and coaching from the teacher’s point of view


This is part 7 in a 9-part series. Get access to all 9 videos in once place by clicking on the button below!

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Webinar 7 Objectives:

Understand from the teachers’ perspective…

  1. How trust impacts the success of video coaching and the steps leaders can take to build trust
  2. The value of separating the role of coach from the role of evaluator
  3. The value of using video for self-reflection
  4. The value of using video for being coached with teacher-selected goals
  5. The value of using video for being coached with coach-selected goals
  6. Other important values to using video


Objective 1

  • It is important to establish a culture trust before the use of video begins
  • Leaders need to emphasize the purpose of using video—their “why”
  • Leaders must be thoughtful about how they will initially roll video out to teachers


Objective 2

  • The school always keeps the roles of coach Vs. evaluator separate—they never cross
  • Videos are not used as part of the evaluative process
  • Growth and evaluation are separated


Objective 3

  • There are 3 coaching cycles throughout the school year and the first one is the self-reflective coaching cycle
  • During this cycle, which lasts approximately 5 weeks, teachers are asked to record and store one video in their Sibme workspace—a space for private self-reflection
  • Teachers are given a set of reflective questions as guidance for their reflection during this cycle. These reflective questions are related to the school’s instructional guarantees
  • Teachers find value in learning from watching their “game films”


Objective 4

  • Cycle 2 moves from self-reflection (working in isolation) to the teacher selecting a handoff goal to share with a coach
  • Teachers meet with their coach to align themselves around the teacher-selected goal
  • Teachers select the date and time for the coaching observation, which will be filmed
  • The coach provides goal-related time-stamped feedback using the Sibme platform
  • The teacher and coach have a post-observation conference to reflect on the process


Objective 5

  • Cycle 3 moves from the teacher selecting a goal to the coach selecting the goal
  • A pre-observation conference is held for goal-alignment
  • The coach’s observation is video taped and not announced
  • There is a post-observation conference


Objective 6

  • When a culture of continuous improvement exits in a school, teachers are willing to experiment with different uses of video to enhance teacher learning
  • One teacher discussed how she uses video to film herself modeling instructional strategies. She then shares the video in a collaboration huddle with her grade level PLC

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