The pandemic forced us to think outside of the box when it came to approaching our work and connecting with others. In this episode of Sibme Coach Replay, host Cory Camp chats with author, educator and speaker Andi McNair about the hard lessons educators and administrators learned and some key takeaways we can apply to teaching and instructional coaching in a post-pandemic world.
Download the Episode SummaryTo see our way through an emergency, we frequently need to make rapid decisions and shift priorities based on available and often limited information. The evolving nature of tumultuous events such as the pandemic, in Andi’s view, is kind of like an obstacle course. They are incredibly difficult and force us to be flexible and to adapt if we are to successfully forge ahead.
When a crisis has passed, we need to assess which of the changes made while running the “course” should stick and which ones can be put aside—at least for the moment. During the episode, Andi discussed in-depth the following questions to consider when deciding if changes to your school’s instructional paradigm made during the pandemic or other emergencies are both positive and sustainable.
Since spring 2020, we’ve all had a master class in adapting to face unprecedented challenges. As we move out of more than two years in survival mode, Andi and Cory offer some tips for pivoting to a thriving and more proactive mindset.
Self-reflection plays a huge role in developing a thriving mindset. Andi says teachers and coaches should be in a reflective state as often as possible. Doing so goes a long way toward shifting your perspective, especially if you can find the little ways that today was better than yesterday. And professional learning and collaboration platforms like Sibme can help.
Sibme’s video sharing, time-stamping and Huddles features empower teachers to accurately witness how far they’ve come and make it simple for teams to share best practices, kudos and words of encouragement. It is through seeing and celebrating the little wins and the progress we’ve made that we are driven to continue moving forward.
The Sibme Coach Replay Show is a weekly show featuring top-notch instructional coaches and leaders who join our hosts, Cory Camp and Kim Ramadan, to discuss instructional coaching topics and strategies that will enhance and transform your instructional coaching. Episodes air LIVE every Friday on the Sibme's social media channels at 1 P.M. EST and on-demand here or on your favorite podcast platform!
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