AI Insights

Sibme AI Insights is the premier AI solution for educators, serving as your personalized ally in professional growth. It offers specific feedback and innovative strategies aligned with teaching frameworks, eliminating exhausting self-analysis and resource hunting. Elevate your teaching and achieve greater student engagement with Sibme AI Insights.

See Our AI Insights in Action

Sibme AI Insights is the only comprehensive AI solution for educator professional learning. Beyond tailored feedback and innovative strategies, our intuitive platform seamlessly integrates AI technology into your classroom, enhancing your performance. Sibme AI effortlessly analyzes classroom artifacts, including lesson recordings, student work, instructional materials, and lesson plans. It serves as your personalized thought-partner with extensive educational knowledge and specific insights into your classroom, all within Sibme’s private and secure platform.

Your AI Assistant for everyday


Teachers spend countless hours grading papers, crunching data, and writing lessons. Those hours leave limited time for the real analysis required to differentiate instruction for students. The result is teachers feeling overwhelmed and underproductive.


Sibme AI is a teaching assistant, capturing and synthesizing data on student engagement from lessons, grading and sorting student work to identify misconceptions, and suggesting ideas for ways to differentiate instruction and help all students make progress!

Your AI Coach


Coaches and observers often struggle to gather sufficient real-time classroom data, leading to incomplete and inaccurate observations. As a result, teachers find observations unreliable, making coaching conversations frustrating and unproductive.


Teachers can privately gather extensive evidence of student learning, engagement, and instructional activities from lesson recordings, plans, materials, and student work. With a click, generate reports on lesson alignment to any instructional framework or rubric, with clear, context-specific evidence.

Your AI Colleague


Educators thrive on collaboration, sharing ideas, brainstorming solutions, and observing each others' teaching. However, within the confines of a classroom, accessing a trusted colleague and providing the necessary context can be challenging and often impossible.


Easily and quickly share classroom data and artifacts, and ask Sibme AI for ideas on any education topics! Receive reflection prompts, brainstorm new concepts, and get advice on all aspects of teaching with an AI-engine powered by specific insights into your classroom and students.

With AI Insights You Can...

Determine if learning outcomes were achieved.
Analyze student learning alignment with the objectives.
Analyze level of student engagement.
Spot examples of formative assessment.
Analyze teacher's response to student confusion.
Assess appropriateness of lesson's rigor.
Identify ways to enhance the lesson.
Identify students  encouragement to engage in discussion.
Identify strategies for effective student interaction.
Assess the clarity of the teacher's directions.
Identify teacher usage of visuals/anchor charts.
Determine frequency/impact of behavior distractions.
Identify/assess where the teacher redirected students.
Assess effectiveness of the lesson's pacing.
Evaluate how time was spent on teaching segments.
Identify places where transitions could be shortened.
Identify differences between planned and actual lesson.
Assess students achievements on learning objectives.
Spot students who struggled in the lesson.
Suggest strategies to help students meet objectives.
Understand contributing factors for students that excel.
AI Tools
AI Reports