AI Tools

Teaching is about connecting with students, not getting bogged down in paperwork. With Sibme AI Tools for Educators, you can reclaim your time from endless grading, lesson planning, and material creation. Spend more time doing what you love – teaching – and less time on preparation.

See Our AI Tools in Action

Harness the power of ground-breaking generative AI technology tailored for education. With Sibme AI, simply fill out a form and let us deliver precise answers and solutions instantly. But that's just the start! Refine and expand your ideas by chatting with the Sibme AI coach, and unlock even more possibilities for your classroom.

Lesson planning


Creating lesson plans is a challenging task for educators, involving extensive research, planning, and alignment with curriculum standards and student needs. With abundant content and evolving student requirements, lesson planning not only consumes time but also drains energy.


Experience the joy of creating lesson plans tailored to your teaching goals. Dive into our innovative platform and unleash your creativity to design engaging, effective lessons on any topic. Transform classroom experiences one lesson at a time.

Feedback on Student Work


Analyzing student work and providing personalized feedback is challenging for educators. Obstacles include accurate interpretation, time management, constructive communication, and maintaining impartiality. These hurdles can hinder effective guidance, impacting students' academic and personal growth.


Sibme AI Tools provides a comprehensive solution for teachers' feedback challenges. Access advanced tools that streamline analysis and guidance, from automated interpretation to personalized feedback. Sibme AI tools empower teachers to deliver efficient, meaningful guidance, driving students' academic success and personal growth.

Letter to Family


Sending family emails can be a significant challenge for teachers. Finding time to craft personal messages, addressing individual student needs sensitively, and maintaining consistent communication with diverse families can be daunting tasks.


Sibme AI Tools streamline the process of sending family emails for teachers. With a user-friendly interface and preconfigured templates, educators can easily generate professional, tailored emails. The platform offers guidance on effective communication strategies, ensuring clear and empathetic messages. By automating email composition and sending, Sibme AI Tools save time and maintain consistent, meaningful communication with families, fostering positive relationships and support networks for student success.

Discover Our Full Range of Tools

Planning & Content
Lesson Plan
Unit Plan
Behavior Intervention Plan
Individualized Education Program
Syllabus Creator
Informative Text
Custom Academic Material
Text Dependent Questions
Meeting Agenda
Staff Development Training
Assessment and Evaluation
Student Feedback
Rubric Creator
Multiple Choice Assessment
Scaffolding Strategies
DOK Questions
DOK Questions
Bloom’s Taxonomy Scaffolding
Vocabulary List
Engagement Activities
Discussion Prompts
Choice Board
Real World Connection
Jeopardy Game
Anchor Chart
YouTube Video Questions
YouTube Video Summarizer
Send a Family Email
Professional Email Reply
Letter of Recommendation
Report Card Comments
Student Assignment Feedback
Thank You Note
Send a Professional Email to Colleague
Class Newsletter
Staff Newsletter
Document and Text Tools
Text Rewriter
Text Summarizer
Text Leveler
Document Editor
Language Translation Tool
AI Insights
AI Reports