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How Principals can Use Video Enhanced Coaching to Raise Student Achievement

Teachers are the X factor in a school building when it comes to improving student achievement–with great leadership coming in a close second.

This webinar series is intended for principals and school leaders who want to implement video-enhanced coaching in the 2017-2018 school year using the Sibme platform. Each webinar in the series is designed to show principals and school leaders how to complete the work they will need to attend to in the month that follows the webinar.  Ultimately, Dr. Goree will share the process that she uses to ensure that every teacher in her building participates in a minimum of 3 coaching cycles.

On demand access to all of the webinar segments is available below:

Part 1

In this webinar, Dr. Goree introduces the coaching cycle she uses to grow teachers and improve student achievement. She’ll provide an overview of the process and explain the “elevator pitch” instructional leaders must use to introduce video-enhanced coaching to their staff.

Webinar 1 Objectives:

Part 2

In this webinar, Dr. Goree discusses the first step in the cycle, teacher self-reflection. Dr. Goree talks about the importance of giving teachers time to get comfortable seeing themselves on video before sharing that video with others.

Webinar 2 Objectives:

Part 3

In this webinar, Dr. Goree discusses the importance of using the results of the teacher’s self-reflection to establish goals and measures of success during the pre-video conference leading to coaching cycle 2.

Webinar 3 Objectives:

Part 4

In this webinar, Dr. Goree continues to focus on Coaching Cycle 2 as she discusses the steps that follow the pre-video conference.

Webinar 4 Objectives:

Part 5

In this webinar, Dr. Goree discusses the transition from coaching cycle 2 (teacher selected goals) to coaching cycle 3—coach-selected goals.

Webinar 5 Objectives:

Part 6

In this webinar, Dr. Goree, along with two of her building instructional coaches, discuss their use of Sibme’s video library and the role video plays for collaborative learning with peers and PLCs.

Webinar 6 Objectives:

  1. Understand the purpose and process for building out Sibme’s video library
  2. Explore the role video plays in collaborative learning with peers and PLCs

Part 7

In this webinar, Dr. Tonya Goree, popular speaker and award-winning elementary school principal, along with teachers Krystal Williams and Deborah Gest, will discuss using video for self-reflection and coaching from the teacher’s point of view

Webinar 7 Objectives:

Understand from the teachers’ perspective…

  1. How trust impacts the success of video coaching and the steps leaders can take to build trust
  2. The value of separating the role of coach from the role of evaluator
  3. The value of using video for self-reflection
  4. The value of using video for being coached with teacher-selected goals
  5. The value of using video for being coached with coach-selected goals
  6. Other important values to using video

Part 8

In this webinar, Dr. Tonya Goree, popular speaker and award-winning elementary school principal, along with administrators Melissa Martin and Lydia McGee, will discuss using video for self-reflection and coaching from the administrator’s point of view

Webinar 8 Objectives: Understand from the administrator’s perspective…

  1. How trust impacts the success of video coaching and the steps leaders can take to build trust
  2. The importance of separating the role of the coach from the role of the evaluator
  3. The value of calibrating the coaches
  4. The value of teachers using video for self-reflection
  5. The value of using video for being coached with teacher-selected goals
  6. The value of using video for being coached with coach-selected goals
  7. Other important values to using video

Part 9

In this webinar, Dr. Tonya Goree, popular speaker and award-winning elementary school principal, will explore the meaning behind the title of this webinar: “It’s About Time.”

Webinar 9 Objectives:

  1. Learn the timeline and steps involved in Dr. Goree’s three coaching cycles
  2. Understand how to identify and support what matters most in a school
  3. Learn from Dr. Goree as she responds to some of the most common concerns around using coaching with video for professional learning
  4. Review the last two years of data generated at Dr. Goree’s school
  5. Discuss steps to take NOW to implement video into your plan and process for next school year
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